Fauteuil Oyster par Kawamura Ganjavian

17 novembre 2010 /
13 commentaires

Fauteuil Oyster par Kawamura Ganjavian

Le studio de création Kawamura Ganjavian, est avant tout une belle rencontre entre Key-Portilla Kawamura et Ali Ganjavian. Londres, Inde, États-Unis, Japon, Angleterre, les deux designers puisent leur inspiration en se nourrissant des cultures approchées.

Le studio, pluridisciplinaire, est une véritable pépinière à bonnes idées, mobilier, aménagement, scénographie…

En exemple, le fauteuil Oyster, inspiration japonisante non dissimulée, ce siège pliable feutré, lignes épurées et finitions soignées, nous invite à venir prendre une tasse de thé au ras du sol.

Fauteuil Oyster par Kawamura Ganjavian

Fauteuil Oyster par Kawamura Ganjavian

Je ne peux résister à vous faire découvrir une sélection de création en provenance de ce studio :

Caterpillar Trestles par Kawamura Ganjavian

Caterpillar Trestles par Kawamura Ganjavian

SCENTER par le studio KG

SCENTER par Kawamura Ganjavian

CATERPILLAR par le studio KG

Caterpillar par Kawamura Ganjavian

Plus d’informations sur le studio : Kawamura Ganjavian


By Blog Esprit Design

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À propos de l'auteur
Vincent Roméo
Fondateur, rédacteur en chef chez 
Blog Esprit Design
Gardien de la maison BED, fondateur, dévoué je passe mon temps à veiller la nouveauté qui vous fera briller les yeux. En parallèle : Head of digital & Associé 14 septembre - Groupe Extreme

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  1. [img]http://www.otto-otto.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/chairless2.jpg[/img]

    Quand je vois un jeune enfant qui me demande de lui cueillir un fruit dans l’arbre, je lui dis que ferais à ta place un singe?

  3. Post
  4. Post
  5. @ Vincent
    Pour moi la selection la plus ouverte est celle d’Emmanuel Chaussade qui couvre beaucoup de champs du design aussi bien le design arty,le design de galerie, le design narratif, expressif , conceptuel, de contestation, que le design de star ,le design de promotion,le design de boutique, le design d’artisanat, le design industriel, le design de solution,le design caché, le design d’experimentation,le design de recyclage,le design vert, le design diy ….Aucun blog francophone ne couvre tout les champs du design…en particulier le design pour 90% du monde: le design social et le design humanitaire.

  6. C’est Image immediate… L’image domine, anéantit même le texte ( le temps de lecture de + en + court sur les blogs ). C’est la recherche de l’attention immediate qui a une valeur économique car de + en+ rareds le la société de tous les écrans et du buzzz permanent qui tue l’attention profonde… et petit à petit on devient de +en + maléable, influençable, futile, sensible aux effets de mode , au trunover des produits et des gens ( peopolisation, teleralité) de la société d’hyperconsommation…

  7. Post

    “Une poire à lavement” ?? 😀

    “One particular scent can bring back more memories than a thousand pictures. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to store smells the same way we store photographs? SCENTER is a depository of scents. Concentrated personal fragrances can be stored inside compact cartridges, their scent being released through a nozzle upon pressing the bellows thus evoking the memories embedded in them.”

    j’aime cette idée de stocker des odeurs significatives pour nous, mettant en action notre mémoire olfactive.. des cartouches à “souvenirs”

  8. Le chaise pour s’asseoir par terre c’est bien mais rare à Milan et limité à certaines lattitudes . La table multi pieds c’est pas le pied , un peu neophite, vu et revu sous toutes lattitudes ….en alu coloré au Japon, en acier au Japon et au USA et ailleurs en bois, en UK et Hollande
    Pour le culbuto façon poire à lavement , c’est quoi, un projet ou un sujet d’indignation?

  9. Bravo Vincent c’est pas au ras des paquerettes, tes decouvertes en design… C’est vert, c’est frais, c’est jeune …. Je me demande ce qu’en pense “mon ennemi virtuel” Maupado, decorateur textuel qui me flanque à tour de bras des 0 sur mon blog note
    J’ai tous les jours sur mon bureau des dossiers de jeunes designers enfermés dans des bulles d’irrealité qui tiennent en 5 lignes avec des projets acadabrantesques comme avait écrit Villepin pour Chirac et des textes creux et verbeux qui ferait fuir un sorbonnard de la vieille école , de la république des lettres… de licenciements…
    Voila le Curriculum Vitae des designers :

    S t u d i o k a w a m u r a – g a n j a v i a n
    C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e / n o v e m b e r / 2 0 0 8

    Studio Banana, C/Plátano 14, 28029, Madrid, Spain

    Key Portilla-Kawamura, founder and partner (Oviedo, Spain, 1979) (kpk)
    Ali Ganjavian Afshar, founder and partner (Teheran, Iran, 1979) (aga)

    Current studio members: Simon Baumgartner, Pablo Carrascal, Sarah Kang, Sofie Liesenborghs, Ivann Ly, Mónica Mejía, Maki Portilla-Kawamura, Cornelia Tapparelli.

    E d u c a t i o n

    Key Portilla-Kawamura
    Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, UK
    Postgraduate Diploma Course, commended for Honours
    5th year, dip unit 1, tutor Charles Tashima
    Quito, a Retroactive Simulacrum
    Honours in Technical Studies (A DIY landscape for Quito)
    Honours in General Studies (Displaced topographies or how hills can move)
    4th year, dip unit 10, tutor Carlos Villanueva-Brandt
    space search engine©, paths of action, the 30 minutes museum
    High pass in General Studies (Liquid Exodus)
    University of East London, International School of Architecture, London, UK
    Graduated with BSc in Architecture, First Class Honours Degree
    3rd year, unit g, tutor Mark Hayduk,
    on the level, the story of a changing landscape
    2nd year, unit h, tutor Peter Hasdell,
    Southwark liminal

    Ali Ganjavian
    Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid
    Master course in communication
    Royal College of Art, London, UK
    Postgraduate Master in Space and Architecture
    2th year, ADS4, tutor Fiona Raby, Nigel Coates, Ron Arad
    awarded with excellences in design
    1st year, ADS4, tutor Fiona Raby, Nigel Coates, Ron Arad
    Cooper Union, New York, USA
    Out Reach practice and theory of spatial photography
    University of East London, International School of Architecture, London, UK
    Graduated with BSc in Architecture, 2.1 Honours Degree
    3rd year, unit g, tutor Mark Hayduk
    New Skin, landscape proposal in Alpujarras, Spain
    2nd year, unit g, tutor Julian Cripps
    Revitalising Ayenager, New Delhi, India

    P r o f e s s i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e

    kawamura-ganjavian, founders and partners, Madrid, Spain

    051_Stowe School feasibility study, Madrid, Spain (2010)
    050_Intergenerational building competition, Gland, Switzerland (2010), in collaboration with NOR architectes
    049_Arsenaux further education centre competition, Fribourg, Switzerland (2010)
    048_Nova UGM gallery competition, Maribor, Slovenia (2010), in collaboration with Ramiro Losada
    047_La Condemine school extension competition, Bulle, Switzerland (2010)
    046_Tour de Trême school extension competition, Bulle, Switzerland (2010)
    045_Opinno, office refurbishment, Madrid, Spain (2010)
    044_Pregny communal house competition, Geneva, Switzerland (2010)
    043_Galp bridge competition, Lisbon, Portugal (2009()
    042_Infomab 2010, information centre for Madrid Abierto, Madrid, Spain (2009-2010)
    041_Librairie La Fontaine, interior design of bookstore, Lausanne, Switzerland
    (2009-2010), in collaboration with NOR architectes
    040_Titanic, refurbishment of residential lobby, Madrid, Spain (2009)
    039_Azul-lejos, refurbishment of cafeteria, Madrid, Spain (2009)
    038_PiP exhibition design, LABoral, Gijón, Spain (2009-2010)
    037_Iniciarte stand, ARCO, Madrid, Spain (2009), in collaboration with Ramiro Losada
    036_Tabakalera competition, San Sebatián-Donosti, Spain (2008)
    Transformation of tobacco factory into cultural centre
    In collaboration with Carlos Manzano Arquitectos
    035_Parque de los Pinos, Madrid (2008)
    Design of multipurpose kiosk inside a park
    034_Alterpolis, Madrid (2008)
    Reflections about the utopian city
    033_Black Mountains (2007-2008)
    Permanent exhibition space
    In collaboration with Dan Holdsworth
    032_Palace Hotel, Madrid (2008)
    Refurbishment of hotel ball room
    031_PSI pavilion
    030_Asturegion Terriotorial Laboratory, Asturias (2007-2008)
    Regional mapping and strategic planning
    029_Re-Liquido, Gijón, Spain (2008)
    Refurbishment of art gallery
    028_Heineken offices, Madrid (2008)
    Refurbishment of corporate office space
    In collaboration with Ramiro Losada
    027_Marcau, Ilanz, Switzerland (2008)
    Multipurpose activity centre
    In collaboration with Capaul und Blumental architekten
    026_Psychiatric Clinic, Aravaca, Madrid (2008)
    025_Ahmad-T, Southampton, UK (2007)
    Architectural consultancy
    024_Tank, Madrid (2007–2008)
    Transformation of flat into loft and audiovisual workshop,
    023_LightHouse, Madrid (2007–2008)
    Single family house in Puerta de Hierro
    In collaboration with Pedro Quero
    022_Studio Banana, Madrid (2007)
    Transformation of garage into multidisciplinary creative studio
    021_Rincón Malillo, Jérez, Spain (2007)
    Transformation of winery into art foundation
    In collaboration with Alfonso Merry del Val
    020_Infomab, Madrid (2007)
    Information Centre for Madrid Abierto, comissioned by Cemusa
    019_Cyberspaces, La Laboral Art Centre, Gijón, Spain (2007)
    Design for a digital art exhibition curated by Ars Electronica
    In collaboration with Pedro Quero
    018_Smoke House (2006)
    Concept proposal for Planless House compeitition, JA magazine
    017_Somao, Asturias, Spain (2006)
    Single family house, Concept Design
    016_ Light as you Move (2006)
    Interactive prototype for Phillips illumination competition
    015_ Locutorio Colón, Madrid (2006–2007)
    Public art piece commissioned by Madrid Abierto, Summary book
    014_ Rampas, Navacerrada, Spain (2006)
    Sculpture competition
    In collaboration with Tadanori Yamaguchi and Maki Portilla Kawamura
    013_Li-Mac, Musac art centre, León, Spain (2005)
    Installation for art exhibition
    In collaboration with artist Sandra Gamarra
    012_ Le Home 67, Paris, France (2005)
    Transformation of flat
    011_ Le Home 12, Paris, France (2005)
    Transformation of flat
    010_Vista House, Tenzuela, Spain (2005)
    009_La Nave, Madrid (2004-2005)
    Information centre
    008_ Symmetrical Simulacrum, Madrid (2005)
    Winning entry in public art competition, not executed
    In collaboration with Maki Portilla Kawamura and Tadanori Yamaguchi
    007_ Cranbrook Lighthouse, London, UK (2004)
    RIBA residential competition, collaboration with Harry Patikas
    006_ Musik didaktik, Shedhalle Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland (2003)
    Mediatech for digital music exhibition
    005_Nile Street, London, UK (2003)
    Refurbishment of Victorian loft apartment
    004_Space Search Engine, London, UK (2002)
    Urban mapping and temporary occupation agency
    003_ Mirador bajo la escombrera, Turón, Asturias, Spain (2002–2004)
    Room inside a slag heap, Morés ideas competition, Winning entry
    executed by Principado de Asturias
    002_ARCO art fair project, Madrid, Spain (2002)
    Spatial configuration of art fair
    001_ Horizontal archaeology, Ham Park Road, London, UK (2000–2001)
    Restoration of Victorain house and attic in the East End

    Product design prototypes:

    B019_Caterpillar (2008)
    Acquired by EACC museum, Castelló, Spain
    B018_Read-in-peace (2008)
    Acquired by EACC museum, Castelló, Spain
    B017_StickingRings (2008)
    Awarded first prize in the 2008 Young Designers Contest of Comunidad de Madrid, Spain
    B016_No-Bullshit Chair (2008)
    B015_StickingSticks (2008)
    Exhibited at Nous Architecture Gallery, London, UK
    Exhibited at Valencia Design Fair, Valencia, Spain
    Exhibited at the EACC museum, Castelló, Spain
    Exhibited at Casa Pasarela Design Fair, Madrid, Spain
    B014_Plug on collection (2007)
    Featured in the Gwangju Design Biennale, Korea
    B013_Heat me (2007)
    Shown at the Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    B012_Solar Plug (2007)
    Shown at the Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    B011_U.N. socket (2007)
    Shown at the Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    B010_Beep free (2007)
    Shown at the Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    B009_Water time (2007)
    Shown at the Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    B008_Eat with your fingers (2007)
    Shortlisted in the Dining in 2015 Design Boom competition
    Shown at the Perdidos exhibition, COAM, Madrid, Spain
    Shown at the Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    B007_Refrigerating Tray (2006)
    Shown at the Perdidos exhibition, COAM, Madrid, Spain
    Shown at the Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    B006_Divide it (2006)
    Shown at the Perdidos exhibition, COAM, Madrid, Spain
    Shown at the Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    B005_Dim light (2006)
    Shown at the Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    B004_Speaker wall (2005)
    Shown at the Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    B003_Kaleidolight (2005)
    Finalist Bombay Sapphire glass competition, Travelling exhibition
    B002_Tomato case (2004)
    B001_Dolly Domestic (2003)
    Shown at the Perdidos exhibition, COAM, Madrid, Spain

    Research projects:

    017_World Grammar (2006-)
    Global dictionary of non-global objects
    016_More (2006)
    Film, in collaboration with Alfonso Merry
    015_Urban Watermarks, Madrid (2006)
    Aquatic features in the city
    In collaboration with Diego Gronda and Clara Mata.
    014_Paper Mad (2004)
    013_Newland (2006)
    Mobile botanical islands
    010_Talking Fish (2002)
    Reality distortion
    009_Quito, Retroactive Simulacrum (2002-2003)
    Territorial project and construction technique research
    008_Volcanic Ash (2003)
    Material investigation
    007_Willow (2000)
    Material investigation and installation
    006_Cow Dung (2000)
    Material investigation
    005_30 Minutes Museum (2002)
    004_Mother Ceiling (2001)
    Material investigation and installation
    003_Plastic (2000-2001)
    Material investigation
    002_Rammed Earth (2000-2001)
    Material investigation
    001_Stranded (1999)
    Reality distortion


    Herzog & de Meuron, Basel and Barcelona (kpk)
    Camp Nou, Barcelona (2007)
    Stadium competition, participation as Team member (TM)
    The Clearings, London (2007)
    Mixed-use intervention in 1920’s buildings, Project leader (PL)
    Torres Burgos, Spain (2006–2007)
    Mixed use towers, Schematic Design, Design Development, PL
    Masterplan for Burgos, Spain (2004–2006)
    Strategic planning proposal, PL
    Espacio Goya, Zaragoza (2006)
    Museum competition, Winning entry, TM
    Ribera del Río Manzanares, Madrid (2005)
    Landscape design competition, TM
    Plaza de España, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2004)
    Public square landscape design, Construction document, TM
    Nuevo muelle, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2004)
    Ferry Terminal design, Design Development, TM

    Member of PSI&CO, architecture ideas lab, Madrid (aga)
    Several urban planning and housing projects

    FEM , Feria Edición Madrid (co-curator), Madrid

    Pedro Quero architecture studio, Oviedo, Spain (kpk)
    Universidad Laboral, Gijón (2003–2004)
    Restoration project of tower and plaza, Construction Document
    Universidad Laboral, Gijón (2004)
    Car park and gardens, Design Development
    Hotel Don Paco, Llanes, Asturias (2004)
    Competition for Restoration of historic hotel, Winning entry
    ESTAVOL, Sanxenxo, Galicia (2004)
    Competition for volunteering work centre, 4th prize
    Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda, Adelfas, Madrid (2004)
    Competition for social housing block
    Man Museum, Camelle, Galicia (2003–2004)
    Competition for sculpture museum
    Aula Forestal, Modoñedo, Galicia (2003)
    Competition for eucalyptus forestry centre
    Pista deportiva, Luiña, Asturias (2003)
    Competition for design of rural sports hall

    Camello, Oviedo (2003)
    Competition for design of mass-production chair, Winning entry
    Echoic Bundle, Madrid (2003)
    Belltower in disused water tower, Public art competition, 2nd prize
    Cross-view mirrors, Alto de la Madera, Asturias (2002–2003)
    Competition for interventions along a motorway, Winning entry
    organised by Principado de Asturias, not executed

    Lee/Winpenny design associates, New York (aga)
    Several housing and interiors projects
    Marco Brambilla New York (aga)
    product design and stenographic design
    Moh Pictures, MTV, New York (aga)
    production of shorts
    plat-form architects, London (kpk)
    Several public-space and landscape projects

    Kazuyo Sejima – SANAA studio, Tokyo (kpk)
    Breeze of Air project, Rotterdam
    Competition for office building bvk, Zurich

    PHAB architects, London (kpk)
    Europan 6 competition, Mendrisio, Switzerland
    Oslo Architecture Triennale

    Union theatre, London (kpk)
    Tube, Stage set and lighting design for theatre play

    Florian Beigel / ARU, London (kpk)
    Black fields in Witznitz Brikettfabrik, Germany (2000)
    Landscape project in former coal brick factory
    Biblioteca ESTAB, Barcelona (2000)
    Competition for new library at School of Architecture

    Professional projects as architecture students
    The 30 minutes museum, London, 2002
    Performance and stroll through the East End
    In collaboration with choreographer Luis Gallo Mudarra
    Limestone steps, Oviedo, 2001
    In collaboration with sculptor Tadanori Yamaguchi
    Batalla, Oviedo, 1998
    Ortophotographic reproduction of wall frescoes
    In collaboration with painter Fernando García-Vela
    Summer pavilion, London, 1998
    UEL School of Architecture competition, Winning entry
    Execution under the supervision of Michael Jones

    T e a c h i n g

    Playtoons, Strelka Institute, Moscow, Russia
    Urbanism and creativity workshop tutors and lecture, in collaboration with Garrick Jones. At Summer at Strelka programme. Postgraduate dean Rem Koolhaas
    Spanish Design Festival, Moscow, Russia
    Master class on kawamura-ganjavian, Design Boom centre
    Multidisciplinary creativity strategies, Madrid, Spain
    Seminar at Cultural Enterprises MBA, Universidad de Salamanca and Santillana Formación

    Master European Design Labs, Madrid, Spain
    Directors of full time interdisciplinary design master course, Istituto Europeo di Design
    Atelier Berger, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
    Invited jurors at final critic of atelier Patrick Berger, Biblioteque hors murs à Paris
    DIY Studio, Rosario, Argentina
    Tutors of creative workshop, Centro Cultural Parque de España
    Pecha Kucha Night Bilbao, Spain
    Conference, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
    Art & City Seminar, Istanbul, Turkey
    Lecture on public art interventions
    Mais allá da colpa, Urbanism workshop, Coruña, Spain
    Tutors in workshop at Universidade da Coruña
    How Sustainable is Sustainability, Madrid, Spain
    Lecture at seminar, Galería Salvador Díaz
    Urban Buddies, Madrid, Spain
    Lecture at conference, Madrid Abierto, Casa Encendida

    Istituto Europeo di Design, Madrid, Spain
    Tutors of European Design Lab master course 2008-2009

    Tutors of Master course Self Design, Universidad Politécnica, Madrid, Spain

    Lecture on creative business models, London, UK
    London School of Economics
    Re-fresh, Matadero Madrid, Spain
    Lecture inside the Madrid Architecture Week agenda
    Un-Defining Architecture, Skopje, Macedonia
    Lecture at Faculty of Architecture, University of Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril
    CV 2010 / CV 2010
    Forum Skopje, Macedonia
    Lecture and debate in urban seminar, Skopje City Museum

    Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Switzerland
    Assistant of Professor Martin Boesch, 4th and 5th year

    Istituto Europeo di Design, Madrid, Spain
    Tutors of European Design Lab master course 2008-2009
    Tutors of European Design Lab master course 2007-2008
    Tutors of Furniture Design master course 2006-2007

    Cartographic Fantasies, Kassel, Germany
    Geography workshop, Kassel University
    The London Docklands, a post-infrastructural landscape, London, UK
    Study trip to London, Kassel University

    T e x t s

    In Transit / Expiry
    Editors of European Design Labs 09/10 master course yearbook
    Published by Istituto Europeo di Design, Madrid, Spain

    Contributors of European Design Labs 08/09 master course yearbook
    Published by Istituto Europeo di Design, Madrid, Spain
    Inside Information
    Chapter in the book Slightly Urban about artist Renate Buser
    Published by Christoph Merian Verlag, Basel, Switzerland
    Contributors of European Design Labs 07/08 master course yearbook
    Published by Istituto Europeo di Design, Madrid, Spain

    Locutorio Colón
    Monographic book on the homonymous project
    published by Fundación Telefónica and Madrid Abierto, Madrid, Spain
    Cabinet, Cage, Stage
    Chapter in the book Artificialy Deconstructed, about artist Wesley Meuris
    Published by Dexia and Cultuurcentrum Brugge, Brugge, Belgium

    Almost Nothing
    Article in Arconoticias magazine, Madrid, Spain
    Interview by Frederike Hansen, in the book Heim Again
    Published byBergen National Academy of the Arts, Bergen, Norway

    About hybrids, vortexes, what happened and what could have happened
    Article, Arconoticias magazine, Madrid, Spain
    Sublime Art and Contemporary Culture magazine
    Editor of architecture section, Gijón, Spain
    Article, Sublime Art and Contemporary Culture magazine, Gijón, Spain

    Fields, topologies and surrenders
    Article on the piece Time Lapse by Francis Alÿs, Arconoticias magazine 26, Madrid, Spain

    Urban pentagram
    Article on the piece Zebra by Juan Carlos Robles, Arconoticias magazine 24, Madrid, Spain

    On cabinets, hosts and zooks
    Article, Arconoticias magazine 21, Madrid, Spain

    The best 100 of the year
    Interview, Building Design magazine, London, UK

    Beyond performance and installation art
    Article, La Nueva España newspaper, Oviedo, Spain
    The poetic silence sculpture
    Article, La Voz de Asturias newspaper, Oviedo, Spain

    E x h i b i t i o n s , l e c t u r e s a n d f o r a

    Re-fresh, Madrid, Spain
    Lecture inside the Madrid Architecture Week agenda
    Habitat Valencia Design Fair, Valencia, Spain
    Exhibition of StickingSticks pavilion and design prototypes
    Nous Gallery, London, UK
    Exhibition of StickingRings pavilion project
    Alterpolis, Madrid, Spain
    Presentation of Alterpolis project, Matadero
    Forum Skopje, Macedonia
    Lecture and debate in urban seminar
    Re-Activate, EACC, Castelló, Spain
    Exhibition of StickingSticks pavilion and of Locutorio Colón project
    Casa Pasarela Design Fair, Madrid, Spain
    Exhibition of StickingSticks
    Excursions in the City, Skopje, Macedonia
    Lecture in Tocka Cultural Centre
    Un-Defining Architecture, Skopje, Macedonia
    Lecture at Faculty of Architecture, University of Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril
    Perdidos, COAM Foundation, Madrid, Spain
    Exhibition of World Grammar project and design prototypes
    Activities coordination in Studio Banana Cultural Association, Madrid, Spain
    Coordinators of cultural agenda:
    cinema sessions
    exhibitions (Benjamín Torres, Óscar Shocking, Lidija Kolovrat, Nomonotono)
    lectures (Ingrid Hora, El Último Grito, Juan Herreros, Pablo Valbuena, Mad PechaKucha I and II…)
    actions (Viaje con Andrés, Banana Jam I and II)

    Studio Banana, Bregenza, Austria
    Lecture, at Kunsthaus Bregenz, Z Connection summit
    Children in Space, Madrid, Spain
    Domesticity and space workshop with 8 young children, Galería Artificial
    Salone Sattelite, Milan, Italy
    Exhibition of design Prototypes during the Milan Design Week
    PH 02, Pesoz, Asturias, Spain
    Landscape and territory workshop, design tutors
    Film: Argul, Event: I Light Festival

    Quito, Retroactive Simulacrum lecture, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
    Lecture, First Architecture, Landscape and Art Biennale of the Canary Islands
    Colegio de Arquitectos de las Islas Canarias, invited by Antonio Zaya (RIP)

    Spaces for Art, Madrid, Spain
    Round table, Director and moderator, ARCO, Madrid
    In collaboration with Arie Graafland
    Guests: Nelson Brissac, Jorge Fernández, Dagmar Reichert, Michael Mu?ller, Christine Boyer
    The Post-Museum, Coruña, Spain
    Lecture, International University Menéndez Pelayo Summer School
    From the Post-Museum to the Post-Industry, Avilés, Spain
    Opening lecture at the Symposium Contenedores de Arte, Ayuntamiento de Avilés

    Epic landscapes, Avilés, Spain
    Lecture, Oviedo University Summer School on Industrial Heritage, Spain
    Fly Utopia at Transmediale.04, Berlin, Germany
    Royal College of Art BioLand exhibition, Haus der Kulturen der Welt

    Urban gazes, Urbans rumours, Madrid, Spain
    Round table, Director and moderador, ARCO, Madrid;
    In collaboration with Luisa Sánchez-Cleves
    Guests: Juan Carlos Robles, Erik Göngrich, Jonathan Wimpenny
    space search engine©, Zu?rich, Switzerland
    Exhibition and lecture, Critique is not Enough, Shedhalle Gallery
    La Nuova Agorá, book edited by Dagmar Reichert, Biella–Zurich

    Six artifices, six, Aranjuez, Spain
    Lecture, Rey Juan Carlos University Summer School
    space search engine©, Biella, Italy
    Exhibition and lecture Nuova Agorá, curator Dagmar Reichert
    Cittadellarte / Fondazione Pistoletto
    Projects Review dip 10 and Departure, London, UK
    Coordinator of exhibitions, Architectural Association, London
    The dilemma of the exhibition space, Madrid, Spain
    Round table, Director and moderator ARCO, Madrid
    In collaboration with Vicente Salvador
    Guests: Tony Fretton, Adam Caruso, Arie Graafland, tOmi Scheiderbauer

    Mother Ceiling
    Installatin at Holbrook House, University of East London

    Installation at Holbrook House, University of East London
    In collaboration with Lina Meister

    A w a r d s , s c h o l a r s h i p s , t i t l e s

    Saloni Architecture Awards, Barcelona, Spain
    Winners of Interior Architecture award with Iniciarte project
    FAD Awards, Barcelona, Spain
    Shortlisted in Exhibition Design category
    Faces of Design Awards, Berlin, Germany
    Winners of FoD2010 young designers awards

    GALP bridge competition, Lisbon, Portugal
    Honorable award winners
    Saloni Architecture Awards, Barcelona, Spain
    Finalists of Interior Architecture award with Studio Banana project

    Young designers Award, category product design, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
    Winning entry, StickingRings

    Alterpolis – Intermediae, Madrid
    Selected for participation

    Dining in 2015, Design Boom
    Shortlisted entry, Eat with your fingers

    Bombay Sapphire Glass Design Competition, London
    Shortlisted entry, Kaleidolight

    Madrid Abierto award

    Chartered architects at the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid
    RIBA-ARB, part II title (Ali Ganjavian)
    Future Selves award, category health, Helen Hamlyn Research Centre
    Awarded for the proposal Fortifying foods

    RIBA-ARB, part II title (Key Portilla-Kawamura)
    Special prize Pimlico, Architectural Association, London
    To the essay Displaced topographies or how hills can move

    Minimum prize, Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella
    Second prize of the jury Nuova Agorá (towards a responsible social transformation)

    Architectural Association
    Bursary for non-British students, London

    Bursary for young artists and designers, Oviedo

    Madrid Games 2012
    Bursary for international architecture workshop, Madrid, SANAA team

    RIBA-ARB, part I title with 2.1 Honors (Ali Ganjavian)

    RIBA-ARB, part I title with First Class Honors (Key Portilla-Kawamura)
    Special prize Head of School, University of East London
    Awarded by Professor Peter Salter

    S k i l l s

    Team work
    Project leading
    Teaching skills
    Curatorial – organizational experience
    Spanish, mother tongue
    English, mother tongue
    Farsi, mother tongue
    Italian, very fluent
    French, fluent, DELF4
    German, basic
    Japanese, basic

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