La revue d'architecture et de design
Puzzle Stool simplement tabouret par Karolina Tarkowska
Karolina Tarkowska, designer polonaise nous présente Puzzle Stool, un énième meuble en kit me direz-vous, et bien oui !
Transport, fabrication, coûts, recyclage, montage… Autant d’aspects où le meuble en Kit, de surcroit en bois, semble largement en avant sur d’autres !
Karolina Tarkowska avance le sans clou, sans vis, sans colle, où le montage tel un puzzle permet par un parfait emboitement de garantir la rigidité de l’ensemble.
A cela l’on ajoute la touche de couleur bleutée sur l’ensemble des tranches pour le côté esthétique…
“The main goal of the proposal was to create chai as simple as possible. Also ‘mobility’ aspect was very important. That is why the main goal of the project was to design stool light and possible to fold and carry.
The main idea was to design puzzle stool. The stool is created without any additional joints like steel nails, screws or glue. Construction is based on a few simple and flat elements, connected to each other like puzzles. When we put them together they create 3D composition – a stool. It works like 3D jigsaw. We also can unfold the elements and easy transport or hide stool anywhere.
The set is compound from four simple pieces, which fit to each other. There are three legs in the same shape and a round seat.“
Plus d’informations sur le designer : Karolina Tarkowska