Le miroir comme expérimentation par Okolo

28 septembre 2012 /
5 commentaires

Le collectif Okolo en provenance directe de République Tchèque composé de créatifs et designers nous présente ses recherches autour du Miroir.

Le miroir dans un contexte de création contemporaine et expérimentale vient se glisser sur nos objets usuels, se courber, englober et ainsi former de véritables pièces d’art.

Thus, the exhibition aims to present the object of the mirror not only as a magical object full of imagination and inspiration, but also as a typological theme for designers. They consider the mirror, like all otherobjects, as a functional and aesthetically balanced object, the production of which requires certain specific features

Le miroir créant notre double, un objet magique sans lequel nous ne serions pas à quoi nous ressemblons

Le collectif :

OKOLO is a creative group with a focus on the fields of design, architecture, art, style, fashion, and the entire scope of cultural city life which, thus, becomes the subject of our activities in Internet journalism, curatorial exhibitions, and special projects and events through which we strive to collaborate with creative individuals from various fields. Interconnecting them and searching for exceptional contexts, we attempt at finding new ways of expressing fine art creativity and methods of its presentation. 

The group was founded in 2009 on an impulse by Adam Št?ch, Jakub Št?ch, and Mat?j ?in?era. Our key interest focuses on creating original projects in the form of exhibitions and products, such as the BMX Visionarists exhibition, which presented the design of BMX bikes, the CraftDesign project, which focuses on one of the most significant trends in contemporary design, and the Anatomie ?Z exhibition concept in 66 GALLERY.

We incorporate the ideas and theoretical insights that we try to impart through our exhibitions into our products as well. For this reason, we strive to transform an ordinary T-shirt into an extraordinary exhibition medium. The theme-based Hedonist and Cycling Revolution T-shirt collections are equipped with a brief, yet important informational text about the design depicted on the T-shirt. Thus, our products are always enriched with a considerable spiritual and expert dimension, which is the most important aspect for us.”

Créations exposées lors de la prochaine édition de la DesignBlock 2012.

Plus d’informations sur le collectif : Okolo


By Blog Esprit Design

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À propos de l'auteur
Vincent Roméo
Fondateur, rédacteur en chef chez 
Blog Esprit Design
Gardien de la maison BED, fondateur, dévoué je passe mon temps à veiller la nouveauté qui vous fera briller les yeux. En parallèle : Head of digital & Associé 14 septembre - Groupe Extreme

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  1. Post
  2. Detournement vaseux d’icône : Tiens la cathedrale d’Evy de Botta ferait un joli vase [img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2441/5769201446_421e905f96.jpg[/img]

  3. Interessant ? Marco Dessi s’est pris pour Botta ou jeu de ping pong pour dame [img]http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2012/10/dezeen_The-Mirror-exhibition-by-OKOLO-and-Klara-Sumova_6.jpg[/img]

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