La revue d'architecture et de design
Jeudi 7 septembre 2017 avait lieu la présentation de « This Will Be The Place » : la monographie pour l’avenir des intérieurs et la collection 2017.
Pour ce faire CASSINA qui fête également ses 90 ans (1927-2017) a mis les petits plats dans les grands en invitant un de ses grands talents : Patricia URQUIOLA architecte et designer espagnole de grande renommée.
Le BED à pu l’interviewer pour vous :
1: Si vous deviez décrire CASSINA en quelques mots ce serait ?
Cassina is an Italian company with around 600 pieces in their archives and with 90 years of real history of design. Cassina is present, past and future. Cassina for me means a lot of themes, it’s a dream to have the chance to study and have access to Cassina’s historical archive. I could be inspired by the “behind the scenes” of Le Corbusier collection, I have the opportunity to give a new life and to emphasize the importance it has had in the history of design. It is making me grow, it is helping me and my profession because it is giving me the possibility to enlarge the attitude of what I think design is. I respect the brand’s history very much and it is a real honor to work with the heritage of the Great Masters. I am interested to give them a new life by making them contemporary by using new materials and technologies. Cassina’s future is about renewing continuity, a dynamic process that involves the transformation of the original forms, the evolution of an idea.
2 :En lisant des extraits du livre j’ai été interpellé par une déclaration de Beatriz Colomina qui dit: «grâce aux ordinateurs portable, aux tablettes et aux smartphones, nous pouvons gérer notre vie toute entière à l’horizontale, en restant dans nos draps» Pour simplifier les choses, Beatriz Colomina dit le «21éme siècle sera celui du lit». Ne trouvez-vous pas cela triste ? Pensez-vous que nous nous dirigeons à grand pas vers une fin à la WALL E film d’animation des studios Pixar (Des personnages énorme qui ne communique que par ordinateur et qui en on oublier les rapports sociaux réel) Quel réponse le design doit-il apporter pour modifier l’avenir?
Things change and so our way of dealing with daily needs. New objects can be imagined involving different relationships: now the digital revolution, multitasking, continuous connectivity requires us to rethink the spaces of the home and the office. I strongly believe that the emotions are still too important to be replaced. The task of my generation is to work so that in the world of machines resists a part of humanity. I do not see digital contrasts, but a productive dialectics: there may also be architecture in virtual spaces.
3: Dans le livre, Konstantin Gric parle «du besoin de se confronter à la réalité pour imaginer l’avenir» J’ai envie de vous demandez êtes-vous d’accord avec cela, et surtout quel est votre vision de la création ?
Yes, I agree. Design involves attention to the world, awareness of changing behaviors, things you do and do others, but always with an idea, a vision. Design is a tool to think, which requires great analytical and synthesis capabilities. Designers face problems in very different areas, with an attitude not just linked to functionality or economic logic, and this will always be needed.
4: Quel es le plus important pour vous dans la création d’un nouveau produit ? La réponse poétique ? La réponse formelle ? la réponse économique ? …
Each project has its own proper life and history, I like to create connections and analogies between things, situations and people. I am very curious and I take inspiration from everything is around me. I love to talk with my clients and the ideas come by themselves, in a simply and intuitive way. Honestly I’m more interested on the “soul” of the creation, how it is born: the relationship with the client, the dialogue, the connection between the needs of the company and of the customers, the cross between technology and handcraft and the value of the artisans, who are able to use hands for modelling, weaving, sculpturing, correcting and if it’s necessary starting again.
Plus d’informations sur la marque : Cassina et Patricia Urquiola